28 Reasons To Love Prague
How do we love Prague? Let us count the ways...

Not to brag or anything, but this is an exceptional city we live in. These are the things that I truly love about Prague. To share the love, keep reading.
1. The Beer Garden at Vyšehrad
That fabulously huge garden behind the rotunda of Vyšehrad always has an empty seat available and you can eat grilled Balkan yummies, drink drinks, and watch the sun set over the panorama of Nusle, Vršovice, and distant Vinohrady. Beautiful.
2. Nighttime on Charles Bridge
Charles Bridge is without a doubt such a tourist attraction. But when walking over it before dawn with no one around just Prague Castle shimmering in the fading darkness you tell yourself, "Damn, it's so beautiful. And I actually live here."
3. U Černého Vola pub
When a tired and grumpy waiter bangs a polotmavý pivko in front of you at the Black Ox, it doesn't feel ceremonious. But such a beer! And at least for awhile you feel like a king and have a chance to taste the authentic atmosphere of a real pub.
4. Vinohrady
Just to wander around…having a coffee here, having a drink there, makes you feel like a man. Even you women.
5. The Light
When sitting after dusk by the pendulum at Letná and watching the city, I bet there's more than 100 different shades and colors shining in the depths of the valley below you. A perfect spot for romantic moments.
6. The Pendulum at Letná
The mosaic of your Prague experience is not complete unless you sit on the top smoking a cigarette and aimlessly gazing down on the city. Dudes on skateboards already know this.
7. The Metro
The Prague metro is awesome-cool and chilly-cool to boot. While everyone else is stuck up above overheating in a traffic jam you are hurtling through the underground tunnels. You can even hang on the strap by some beautiful specimen of the opposite sex.
8. Spa on a Boat
During the season try that amazing sauna at Náplavka. Go at night, afterwards you can jump into the Vltava, covered with the reflection of the city...naked.
9. Wings from Pizza West
Pizza West at Náměstí bratří Synků has been making deluxe, hot, spicy, or honey wings for over 10 years. They are still delicious and the place never closes before 1am. Check it out. And don't forget to notice the kitschy interior.
10. Super Parks
In Stromovka, at Ladronka, at Podvinný mlýn, around Hostivařská přehrada…in all of these super parks you can run, exercise, have a picnic, and just about anything else.
11. Prague Botanic Garden
It's hard to find a better place outside of the Prague Botanic Garden. There's almost no one there and they have free sun beds. If you want to, you can lie down, read a book, or just stare.
12. Bubeneč Railway Station Pub
There's a bartender named Erich who is a bartender, butcher, weight lifter, toreador. And he does a delicious spicy pork meatball (vepřenka). Have one or two and then get on any train and go anywhere.
13. Boats
To pedal a boat around Střelecký Island, drink in hand, and stare at the National Theater is a cool thing. Don't forget to imagine how huge the flames must have been back when the whole building burned down in 1881.
14. Bodegas (Večerky)
You'll find them on every corner and when a food craving attacks at 10pm there's no need to put your shoes on, slippers are good enough for running out and then back again.
15. Non-stop at Letenské náměstí
All day long or all night long, whenever you are on the way back from wherever you can get some warm grilled greasy delights. Like chicken strips or legs or whatever that meat is.
16. Žižkov
What more do you want? A pub every step you take, the fantastic Akropolis and U Houdků or Hanil sushi for a quick bite. And all that is spiced with the unique feeling of slight danger that someone might jump you.
17. Gyros at I.P. Pavlova
Gyros are an awesome thing. And the take-away at I.P. Pavlova is so conveniently located. Whenever you think of them you start drooling. Get it? Pavlov? Drooling? Get it?
18. Kino Bio Oko
Our cute little family of cinemas (Bio Oko, Světozor, Aero, Ponrepo) are all awesome. You can get yourself a fine soft drink or beer on tap and take it inside and watch your movie like a man.
19. Skiing on Petřín
Petřín is nice and when the snow falls you can even ski there. (Or rather snowboard and do some minor jumps, but still.) And if you'd rather do cross-country skiing there's Hvězda or Stromovka parks.
20. Nový Svět (New World)
Prague is crowded with tourists and it's even more crowded around Prague Castle. But just behind the Loreta you suddenly enter a totally different world. With minimum camera-wielding action, it's an ideal atmosphere for wandering around.
21. Libeňák
The bridge itself is no beauty at all, but just walk down off it to the island and you feel like you've gone to the cottage. And while at the tributaries of the Vltava they keep building more and more monstrous glass skyscrapers there are still a few little corners of tramp magic left. Plus there is a harbor nearby.
22. Its Photogenic Nature
If you want to take beautiful pictures just go to town. And it's even enough just to take them in black and white and they'll be beautiful because that's just how Prague is.
23. Beautiful People
Of course, not all of them are from here. But here we have all of the specimens: Big ones, tiny ones, different colored ones, everyone can choose. Just the best from all points of the compass.
24. Vítkov
Kind of a monstrosity and kind of creepy but such a view Vítkov offers, no ordinary hill can compare. So keep facing town with your forehead, with Vítkov to your back and enjoy.
25. Urban Wilderness
You may not find an unspoiled corner of nature, but when you squint your eyes and take a trip to Divoká Šárka, Prokopské údolí, or Kunratice Forest, the wilderness is there. And you still haven't even left Prague city limits.
26. It's Never Dull
Like the pop classic by Peter Hudlík says, you never get bored. He actually had Ibiza in mind but it's true for Prague as well. If you're looking for fun you'll get it. Anytime, any place.
27. Náplavka
Of course it's kind of a hipster haven but there's really something special about this place. Grab a beer and watch the Vltava. And if you wear a flannel shirt and Buddy Holly glasses you'll see your friends there.
28. Its Fine Reputation
Who doesn't nod with respect when it's revealed that you are from or live in Prague?
a ja přidám ještě dva:
29. Trója
Místo, kde se cítite jako ve Francii
30. Západy slunce v Bohnicích
Pohled na červánky, které vás rozechvějí a vám se chce křičet radostí: Všichni lidé bratři jsou.
S láskou Cantadora
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